Thursday, December 17, 2009

Confessions of the Nice Girl

In any good relationship, honesty is important. Therefore dear readers, it is time for me, the nice girl, to make a few confessions.

  1. When I'm bored at home, I have impromptu dance parties by myself. You laugh, but I think that I may have potential to be on So You Think that You Can Dance.

  2. I heart the O.C. I never watched while it was popular, but caught the re-runs on the SOAP channel, and am now totally hooked. And yes, I said the SOAP channel.

Okay, whew, now that I have all of that off of my chest I feel so much better.

Fine, those weren't my real confessions. I mean, yeah, they're some of my weird quirks, but I never really felt like I was keeping them from anyone.

My real confessions have to do with my experiment. I've spent a lot of time focusing in on the men, the game, and the so-called "high-maintenance" girl, making it seem like the nice girl is the victim in dating world. That's not completely true - I know a lot of nice girls that are with great guys. I would like to acknowledge the fact that part of this nice girl's real issue with the game is that I have been barely playing it. I'll put it out there - I'm scared of boys. I'm not scared of them in the "eeeeeeew you have cooties" way, but more scared of letting them in for a million reasons that are not worth going into. Although, in my defense, some of the characters that I've encountered along the way have contributed to these feelings. A sampling of these characters include:

  1. Boy who wore more jewelry than me - need I say more? Well I guess I could - if I ever saw him on the street I'd love to tell him that having a drink of the year doesn't make him cooler. It just makes him a bigger douchebag.
  2. Russian Play Boy - well intentioned, however, going to a three hour Russian play is not a good first date
  3. Clingy - Um, I couldn't even go out with you once because you smothered me to death before we could go on a first date.

However, I have met a lot of nice guys too, and somehow, I've always found some sort of flaw, even if it was merely that there was no spark. My hope is that this experiment will help bring some fun back into the game, enough so that I can let myself play again. Maybe we should put some money on this? I know that this is going to come as a complete surprise to all of you, but I tend to try harder when something turns into a competition...

Ok, I really do feel better now. Good talk, dear reader - I feel closer to you already. Should we hug it out?

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