Ok, so I'm a nice girl. I'm not saying this because I have a big head. I think that I'm truly nice - I mean, the thought of doing something mean actually physically makes me cringe. I also view myself as a fairly low-maintenance type of girl (ok, I understand that by definition women are not low-maitenance, but let's just say that I'm low maintenance for a girl). I've been single for 4.5 years now, and over this time, I've been less than successful when it comes to men. Fine, in all honestly, my track record is bleak - comparable to the Bears record this season.
I once asked one of my guy friends why he thought that I was single. I mean not to toot my own horn, but I have a successful career, a sense of humor, and based on what I see in the mirror, I'm not too bad to look at. So based on all of this, you wouldn't think that this should be that hard, would you?
And do you know what he said? He told me that I was single because I was too low-maintenance!
So here's my question: Is the only way that I'm ever going to catch the man that I find intriguing is to start taking 3 hours to get ready and start throwing tantrums at the drop of a hat? Should I start playing hard to get, make out with other boys in front of him, and become a tease? Are my nice girl moves good for absolutely nothing? Or is it that I'm not using my powers of good in the right way? This may be the beginning of an interesting experiment....
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